Originally Posted by GSeybold
My heart? Ok.. Well this is more than a heart issue. It's a basic humanity issue.
" Being realistic rather than hoping to make some kind of difference is wishful thinking. And the sad reality of it is, you know this yourself'
No I don't know this. "Hoping to make a differnence'' If we don't try. then we fail.. This is by no means wishful thinking. Sitting back and doing nothing while the rest of the world tries to fix things, is repulsive. Which is 98% of the world.. hate to see stuff, but don't get off their asses or pull out thier wallets to help. Just sit back with their "Wishful thinking mentalit, with their' It's never going to change so why bother" thinking.
OH and I did something about this alright. I'm very proud to be in that do something 2%.
Let me assure you, I donate thousands a year but why I should state that here should be my own privilege, do i think I can make a difference? No. Realistically we won't. There's more self serving people out there than those who want to change this world it's the way humanity is as a whole. And this 2% your pulling out from where? I think you'll find that is being a little generous and the % is far lower than what your stating. Show me those statistics?
Assuming people sit on their asses because they have a different outlook to a problem is being a little presumptuous? Like I stated, Realistic thinking and actions will wield better results in the long run. If that repulses you that is your privilege.
And so you should be. Proud that is. It's a nice gesture, But with that donation, How much % of that goes to employees working for this organization you donated to?