Just for information..... I run 3.7.0 Beta 3 because I'm too cheap to pay for my upgrade until after 3.8 is stable.... But, I installed flashchat 5.0.10, Paul's intigration mods for 3.7. Paul's who's chatting mod for 3.8 (does not display), then your mod for 3.8 and all works very well.
Weird eh...? When I did all the 3.7 mods (including yours), I had the blank box problem. Now I don't..... Go figure.... And yes, I did the edits 9,000 times. Even shut down the board so I could check everything a million times....
Anyway, just thought I would toss this out there for those running slightly older boards.... Oh, had to change Paul's xml file's minimum version number.... :/