Originally Posted by Tigga
Just curious since I recently got a new Dell XSP laptop, and my girlfriend got a Macbook Pro. Similar specs, though mine has a LED display, HDMI port, fingerprint reader, and memory card reader.
for the gadgets, sure you pay less, but are they useful ?!... fingerprint reader ?!... NASA player ? just as comparaison, i just did the work, and you are right, the Mac is like 10% higher in price... here is my exercice:
compare Dell XPS M1330 with a MacBook:
13 inches
Official OS OS-X 10.5 vs Vista Ultimate -- we compare full OS here
RAM: 4Gb (Mac is 1066mhz DDR3, Dell is lower, at 667Mhz DDR2)
HD: 128Gb solid-state
Wireless: 802.11a/g both
Mac: 2250$
Dell: 2040$
... for the difference of price, i would consider the RAM de-valuation of DDR2 used by Dell to make a choice of performance.
though that did not contain the Windows Vista license i have to buy with my Mac if i want to use Vista on it -- 250$ more... way more costly than a XPS like you say...