- Plugin: We require all members to enter name and surname in FIELDXX and FIEDXX instead of username. We also want to display name and surname in all plugin forum which are entered in FIELDXX and FIELDDXX.
Name (Field6): Adem
Surmane (field7): GEN?
As you can see from above example, we want to display name and surname as Adem GEN? instead of username.
Please note that all members should log in and log out with their username.
- Plugin: The citizenship number which has include 11 numbers will be required in FIELDXX. When the guests complete all required information and press Complete Registration buton then the system should check all information which are entered in FIELDXX like username and email address whether it includes the same information or not, as similarly it should check the citizenship number.
Please note that all the information are required for local forum where people normally feel confident provide this kind of information.
If this place is not for my questins please forward to rigth one.