Originally Posted by Kiros72
Alrighty, cool stuff. Just keep in mind that if you normally have your members confirm their email address, then their Usergroup will be changed to 'Registered Users' whenever they click on the activation link. If you want to prevent this, use a different Prevention Usergroup.
Hi Kiros!!!
Yep, that's why I setup that Group (3), the users can activate the account, and all works normally, but the Thread send by the MADP alert all the staff and moderators about this account.
I have a secondary configuration, just in case the forum is attacked, in that case the Prevention Usergroup goes to a group with the
Miserable Users mod, in that way I buy some time.
I think this mod is awesome, save a lot of time to the admin and pretty useful to all size of forums.
EDIT: Checked... Tested...
All working great. Thanks Kiros.