Heh... seems you know the biggest headaches of large forums

. Started testing with sending 50$
Installed on my 3.7.4 dev board.
- works
- awesome
- a bit difficult configuration
- no UG restriction now (next version, ok)
Will move to production anyway.
The main suggestion is about sorting (typical use case):
- It would be nice to have option to define order of category and templates. Somerting like small pictures "move up" and "move down" (for categories and for templates)
- In UCP stuff is ordered by creation time. In WISYWIG - in other way, may be, by alfabet. Probably, should be the same if (1) done.
- If you have 20 templates, it's completely unclear in UCP, what is parent category of each. Probably, it would be nice to combine templates by category and add category name for each set.
Some minor suggestions:
- May be, hide field in WISYWIG panel, if no templates defined.
- May be, hide category in WISYWIG, if no child templates
- ? May be, option to hide category in WISYWIG from UCP. Not sure.
Thank you again for your product

. I'll use it at production in nearest days even as is.