This script was written by Brett Taylor ( and not you. Claiming you wrote this script and going so far as to actually add YOUR info the code and remove theirs is illegal and immoral.
You are stealing someones code and you weren't even bright enough to hide the fact. Out of curiosity, I decided to see how this functioned. I visited your website and then viewed the source.
I wasn't really surprised that this used a javascript from dynamic drive, but I was shocked when I viewed your code and it says you wrote it.
Are you slow? I ask this because you have your info as the author for this script here on the org, but on YOUR SITE you still have it listed as "dynamic drive/brett taylor! HELLO!!!!!
This is the real script header (still on your site...duh):
<script language="JavaScript">
//Refresh page script- By Brett Taylor (
//Modified by Dynamic Drive for NS4, NS6+
//Visit for this script
//configure refresh interval (in seconds)
var countDownInterval=10;
//configure width of displayed text, in px (applicable only in NS4)
var c_reloadwidth=200
Yes, I am reporting this to the org but wanted to post as well since you are something I despise. Don't claim code you didn't actually write.
This is yours (claiming you wrote it):
<script language="JavaScript">
//Refresh page script- By Shery Jutt ( BlacKSouL ) ( )
//Visit for this script
//configure refresh interval (in seconds)
var countDownInterval=60;
//configure width of displayed text, in px (applicable only in NS4)
var c_reloadwidth=200