Originally Posted by stuarttunstall
Ok, I have now got this to work.... sort off
In the default vB 3.7.1 skin, all features work, and it shows "thanked x in x posts", but in my custom skin, this wording does not appear under the username/stats on the left hand side in the postbit. All other features appear OK.
Do I need to add anything to my custom skin to make this appear? if so what do I need to add?
Yes, you need to add the $template_hook varibales. Use the compare template option that vb has by the templates.
Originally Posted by DiesellMinded
Does this version work for 3.7.4 ?
Yes, it does.
Originally Posted by adamskiii
Thank you for this wonderful mod  . I have installed this on 3.7.4 version and works great. The only problem I have is when I set the Use Legacy (Vertical) Postbit Template option to yes the mod does not show up on the side but the thanks button is there. Any way to fix this so that the mod also shows up in the Vertical Position?
Check the postbit_legecy template. Use the compare option that vb has there. Make sure all the $template_hook varables are there.
Originally Posted by Pehchaan
Yes, I can see that in regular vb setting.
I have no clue. What is the url it is giving you? What URL to you use in vbulletin options to see the thanks option?
Originally Posted by juanpablo
I would like to know the query or how can I delete all thanks (given and recived)... I like to restore all to 0. Thanks!
TRUNCATE `post_thanks`;
Then run the recounters.
Originally Posted by Talk-Pets
I just tried it on my 3.7.4 board and the icon shows fine. But when you click at it it pops up and says "page not found"
I followed the instructions given and it shows fine in the admin cp..
Any suggestions to a newbie?
No clue. I would have to check your ACP to make sure you installed the hack correctly.
Originally Posted by Skyline_GT
I dont think so. Due to AJAX, I have decided not to. Although, I do know some programing now that I didn't know then so maybe I'll give it a try again some day.
Originally Posted by adamskiii
what code do I add to make it show up for Use Legacy (Vertical) Postbit Template?
It's not an option in this hack. It checks to see is you are using the legacy version or not.
Originally Posted by Doomday
Is there anyway to hide the thanks button after a thread is closed? i really need this !!!!!!!!!
Not currently. You can make an addon very easy though. Contact me via PM if you want to pay me to make it.
Originally Posted by hIBEES
Is this the fix, some of my users get the no permission error,will downgrading fix it ?
I never found what the problem is. I have to see the problem on a forum in order to fix it.
Originally Posted by anthroforum
I use postbit legacy with default skin.
Not thanks button. Checked source code, it's not even looking for the GIF.
Is the template customized? Make sure you have the $template_hook variables in the template.
Originally Posted by DiesellMinded
How do i remove the post bit part ..
Only in Style id 6 ?
You would need a custom add-on created. It costs $$.
Originally Posted by RobbieZ
Hey Abe.
How do I move the thanks icon to the left hand side. ie before the QUOTE icon ?
Open template 'postbit'.
Find: $template_hook[postbit_controls]
Move it right under: <!-- controls -->
Originally Posted by melbourne
Uninstalled,causing error every time using the hack
If you get me ACP access, I can figure out what is causing the errors.
Originally Posted by TomasDR
I am having an odd problem.
I have php being dumped before the header this happens when looking at a thread or with Recounters or Special Actions in admincp. The same thing happens with your groan hack.
Attached is a SS.
This is on 3.7.4PL1
I fixed this issue it looked like an upgrade problem. I started over with the test board and uninstalled the old mod before installing. Of course after removing the DB uninstall code so I wouldn't lose my previous thanks.
Just to be sure, you figured it out and it was not a post thanks issue?
Originally Posted by anthroforum
How can I reduce the size of the text in post_thanks_box_bit ?
This is the code:
HTML Code:
<div class="fairlysmalltext"><a href="member.php?$session[sessionurl]u=$thank[userid]" rel="nofollow">$thank[username]</a>$virg</div>
Produces this effect, text is smaller (good) but it is broken up into separate lines:

You're better better off using 'small' tags around the text.
Originally Posted by TaMpE
I don't see the button, I see only the "Thanks" letter alone. Where can I edit or what should I edit?
Make sure you put the thanks button in the button folder of your styles also.
Originally Posted by Notorious Jay
I don't know if anyone else noticed this and I just did not see the post in this thread because I sure as hell aint reading 89 pages worth of posts, but since I installed this hack backing up SQL has failed which I hadn't even known until I tried to do it the other night as one of the other site admins was supposed to be doing it weekly and the server owner asked me about it.
I did not take the time to look at the code, but I'm pretty sure based on the SQL fail email that this is your problem, just did not look to see where it's located.
Invalid SQL:
SHOW CREATE TABLE post_thanks;
-If I am the first person to notice this shame on you people for not backing up your sites.-
Well ok I searched the thread and someone else has already asked this question in July, but I didnt see an answer... ?
Why would this happen just to the post_thanks table. It's not my hack that creates that query.
Originally Posted by Lizard King
Hello Abe ,
Is it possible to let post owner thank himself also ? I desperately need this as i am going top use this mod with a different purpose then it is originally coded for.
There is an option in the settings to allow the poster to thank himself.
Originally Posted by MrEyes
Has anybody encountered this problem:
One of my members pointed out today that a post is showing one member name that has thanked it, but in the title of the thanks box it says that it has been thanked twice.
Just incase I have run the recounters and this hasn't made any difference.
Could it be that you deleted a user who had thanked the post?
Originally Posted by JetHaCkR
Hey when I click on Post Thanks Settings,
it takes me to /options.php?do=optionsdogroup=post_thanks which is basicly blank.
Isn't it supposed to take me to /options.php?do=options&dogroup=post_thanks instead of /options.php?do=optionsdogroup=post_thanks?
Are you sure the xml file is up to date? The & is there for me.
Originally Posted by Maddogz420
The "Thanked X times in X posts" isnt showing up on my postbit_legacy, probably due to custom themes. Is there something i can add manually to have it show?
Use the compare feature to get the $template_hook variables added to the template.
Originally Posted by Doomday
marks as unistalled, wait long enough still no answer yet...
Sorry about that. I've been very busy lately.
Originally Posted by hornstar1337
Major bug/or/glitch/or/exploit
- Member has been thanked 1 times in 1 post
However is showing up as Total Thanks: 4,294,967,294
Link: http://www.gamerzneeds.net/forums/members/rictor.html
I removed the 1 thanks they received. I repaired and optimized the database, but they still have Total Thanks: 4,294,967,294
What do I do to fix this?
I see all set to 0 now.
Originally Posted by anderow
I also have quite a big problem...
Although the hack has been working fine until now, we had a few users join who were giving each other a large amount of thanks to bump their numbers up (I now have imited max thanks per day..)
But I reset the 'thanks given' by one of the users, and then reset all of the counters
but the thanks number of 201 still remains for this user and the one user he had been thanking??
has anyone else had this>?
Running 3.7.3 patch level 1
How can I fix it asap please?
Originally Posted by anderow
Well I had to go to the post_thanks database table and also the user one
and manually delete the thanks.
It does not work from the admin panel on the version stated above
Are you sure the files you have are up-to-date? I know this feature is working right now. You have to just put the userID of the user you want to remove all their thanks given.
Originally Posted by Phalynx
Any possibility to recount reputation after I enable post_thanks_reputation? We got Post Thank You running since years and had tons of postings...
I did not find any option in maintenance/recount.
Nope. No way to do it. Post thanks adds a row to reasons why a user got rep points.
Originally Posted by dtv100
I get this msg :
, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
and this is how url look like:
i not part of a ban group or a second group .
can this be update to allow by usergroup to correct this problem?
how i can fix this?
Do you have the latest files installed?