Here is one possible solution which seem to work for me to fix the two issues I reported earlier-
Open $wikihome/includes/templates/Userlogin.php and hard code the complete URL of the website as shown below for the SSO logon and for lost password page. Somehow [$bburl] is not providing the complete URL, not sure why.
__________________________________________________ ________________
<form name="userlogin" method="post" action="http://$COMPLETE_WEBSITE_URL/forum/login.php?url=/wiki/index.php/Main_Page">
<input type='submit' name="wpLoginattempt" id="wpLoginattempt" tabindex="5" value="<?php $this->msg('login') ?>" />
<br /><a href="http://$COMPLETE_WEBSITE_URL/forum/login.php?do=lostpw">Forgot password?</a>
__________________________________________________ ________________
That's it. Thanks NoeJeko, for an excellent plug-in. This will make my 35000 users happy.