Okay... Merry Christmas Everyone! I have a whole bunch of new edits this time around... and I have made it easier by simply making them all into files for you...
The first file of course is "
videoDirectory.XML"... this is simply my template edits. Just download the file and then import it into your style and you will get all my most recent updates. Don't forget of course to download the other files as some of my edits are dependant on them. This new version adds support for comment counting, and manages the new "isHD" variable I've created.
The next file is "
video.php"... The core video script I have made a lot of changes to. Allow me to enumerate them...
- Added support for VIDEO-DETAILS-EMBED... this is the template I added so that the embedded video goes above the categories, isntead of to the right; this way there is more space for high definition videos.
- VideoBBCode now fetches the video title for bbcode embed tags.
- PageNav for comments on VIDEO-DETAILS now properly calls up construct_video_url. Why it was not doing this to begin with, when every other video url link was; is beyond me. SHAME ON YOU SURVIVOR!

- Per Survivor's hotfixes; RSS feeds are properly sanitized for IE and Opera.
- I have removed the "random" and "best rated" options for VIDEO-DETAILS. There is no reason to have these options for when people are viewing specific videos. I have left the "related video" options intact.
- The Delete Comment page is now constructed properly. It calls its own page, isntead of from the shell.
The new file this time around is "
- The construct_video_bit function now has a new routine for handling the new isHD variable. Basically, if the video service for a video contains the word "HD" in it; it will mark the video as HD in the video_bit. (By default, I have this marking as a red "HD" tag). Now the HD tag will work for ANY high definition hosting service, as long as "HD" is in the $hostername (its inside the XML for the video-hoster).
- The construct_video_url and construct_category_url functions have been rewritten. For those of you using VBSEO, there will be no change for you. For everyone else, YOU NOW HAVE BASIC SEO! It's not perfect, its only for video and category links. You don't need TfSEO for this; it will work for anybody with Apache. To get the SEO functions, your .htaccess file must include the following:
RewriteEngine On
#### VideoDirectory
RewriteRule ^(.*)video-(.*)-v([0-9]+)(.*)&page=([0-9]+)$ video.php?do=viewdetails&videoid=$3&page=$5 [QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)video-(.*)-c([0-9]+)(.*)&page=([0-9]+)$ video.php?do=viewcategory&categoryid=$3&page=$5 [QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)video-(.*)-v([0-9]+)(.*)$ video.php?do=viewdetails&videoid=$3 [QSA,L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)video-(.*)-c([0-9]+)(.*)$ video.php?do=viewcategory&categoryid=$3 [QSA,L]
- If you do not want to use the SEO functions (either you dont have an apache server, or dont have access to your .htaccess) delete or comment out the following line from video.php. You dont have to do this if you have VBSEO, since I set the priority to the function to search for VBSEO first, before it looks for this basic SEO... but you can delete the line if you so wish.
define('SEO_ENABLED', true);
Also included are new versions of YouTube.XML and YouTubeHD.XML.