I really need help. I keep getting spammed and most of it is coming from the same people. I can tell by the same and similar ads. etc. It's gotten way out of hand and it's killing my site.
I've honestly just thought about deleting the forum and letting the spammers win but before I do I thought I'd ask for help.
I tried installing this upgrade in hopes to finally permanately get rid of the returning scum bags that keep hammering my forum with spam.
I'm a complete rookie to installing new products and am having some trouble. I can't get into the "setting group" panel shown in the thread here. Could somebody please give directions to or help a total rookie find the answer to this problem? I feel stupid asking but I really need help.
I have uploaded the file :madp to my forums folder
Then I went to my admincp and imported the product at:
Plugins & Products > Manage Products
It seemed to instal ok but I can't figure out how to get to the settings panel.
OK, I figured it out.
Sorry to bother everybody with my ignorance.