Originally Posted by Covert-OPs_
I agree but you need it to translate into a tournament bracket with the appropriate seeding. Otherwise you can't have a valid playoff system and I understand that the transition may be complicated. Which is why I would settle for a tournament bracket that would allow for seeding. At least that way we could manually start the tournament after the ladder was over with the appropriate people in their positions. Right now we can't do that because there is no way to place people in any order within the tournament bracket.
I'm referring to what you do after the ladder/league. The ladder is already built to function as a league of sorts, with some tweaks like cutoffs it would function exactly like a league. In my original requests I stated it would be great if the ladder would transition into a seeded playoff/tournament bracket because then it would all happen automatically. However, if that is too complicated at least having a tournament bracket that you could manually adjust and create would give people the ability to have leagues with playoffs that make sense.