Originally Posted by USAMustangs.com
I did everything you suggested and it did fix the icon problem. However, still stuck on Loading.... I edited the mgc_cb_evo.js file and add at the top var SECURITYTOKEN = "0";
What else can we try? Has anyone been able to make this run on vBulletin 3.6.5?
Yes, it is Apache. However, I'm unfamiliar with mod_security.
Hehe, if adding the security token doesn't fix. Remove it.

And yes, it runs on every version.
I gotta hit the search button (hint) to find the answer. I posted the mod security answer a few times, but I can't remember the edit. Gimme a min and I'll find it and post. Apply the mod security edit I reply with, if it doesn't work, re-add the var security edit.