Originally Posted by Ranger187
Just viewing that image, I can tell where most of the issue is.  Ya didn't upload everything. Because I see text links instead of the images. So that means you probably poo poo'd the install.
Recopy ALL the files over this time. Reimport the product (checking the overwrite option) and then reimport the laguage file. And you wouldn't know about the loading issue fix with the var token if you didn't read the readme. I just forget how it's worded in there...
But I think you are running apache and don't have mod_security configured. 
I did everything you suggested and it did fix the icon problem. However, still stuck on Loading.... I edited the mgc_cb_evo.js file and add at the top var SECURITYTOKEN = "0";
What else can we try? Has anyone been able to make this run on vBulletin 3.6.5?
Yes, it is Apache. However, I'm unfamiliar with mod_security.