i got this installed on our test board.... and some comments/suggestions.
a slight bug (which i dont know if it can be fixed) is i can login fine with the facebook connect but i cant stay logged..... i have to click the facebook button each time i go to our dev board to relogin (and i just have to click it... no relogging in) but it is annoying to have to do that every time.
as for the suggestions.... this really needs to pull the other user data to fill out the profile (and check on subsequent logins so that data is updated).
dunno how easy this would be to do but since it was suggested above i would add it.... i would like to have some way to be able to promote facebook users to administrator or moderator usergroups (even though you suggested against this). and my reasoning is the way we run our board is every so often we promote our some of our better users to moderator.
and this also speaks to the facebook wall integration.... generally our most frequent posters are in our moderator group (the ones most likely to draw new members to our site through facebook).
overall i love the potential of this (and could solve a huge issue ive always had with vbulletin.... a centralized user database) but it still needs some more time in the oven for me to install it on our public board.