Originally Posted by logicuk
wolfstream take your bad attitude else where
this is why all the good coders left vb org because of fools like yourself!
Bad attitude? I'm not the one with the 'bad attitude' here. I'm the one being attacked by numerous individuals, simply because I made a
truthful statement.
RTFM. The installation guide tells you EXACTLY how to do things here. EACC works beautifully with, or without the line added, both in optimization and CACHING. If it didn't, I wouldn't be sitting with close to 5g of cached data, and files with over 4k pageviews, WITHOUT adding it.
If eacc DIDN'T work as they suggested, I would have known about this years ago, when installing things for clients.
Just because
vb wants things done a certain way (and yeah, that includes the SEO garbage) doesn't mean it's the way to do things. The manufacturer of the product (in this case eaccelerator) will always tell you how to install the product. In this case, they gave very basic instructions, and those instructions
As far as the 'bad attitude' comment, that's not even the case here. When developers take actions like this, and force NON STANDARD configurations on individuals, then blame it on the 'system', or wtfever, that rides solely on the developer. It's not the USER'S fault the developer can't make the product work when compiled as recommended. It's not the USER'S fault the developer wants to force people to recompile with their own special settings, that's the developer's fault.
And on that note, I will, in fact, uninstall, and unsubscribe. No need to keep beating a dead horse when people don't want to listen to the truth, and the developer has no intentions on making the product work with the RECOMMENDED SETTINGS.