Let's see here
Eaccelerator works. I've tested this and found it to be so. It's really easy to test if it works
Eaccelerator was compiled using THEIR recommended setup
YOUR setup doesn't detect eaccelerator functions. That's a problem in your setup. This needs to work with the eacc recommended settings, not the other way around.
There is
definitely a problem here, as represented by at least two people. The problem is with how eaccelerator is configured. You shouldn't HAVE to reconfigure a server application for one plugin, in fact most people
can not.
The recommended values for eaccelerator configuration (which, btw has worked for years without fail):
./configure \
--enable-eaccelerator=shared \
Changes insisted by your code (and ONLY your code, btw):
./configure \
--enable-eaccelerator=shared \
--with-eaccelerator-shared-memory \
Again, this should be done properly, so that individuals DON'T have to recompile and reconfigure eacc, especially when they can't.