Originally Posted by Sunka
Then you need to set the Download URL setting to
../downloads/ (with two points in front of the first slash)
It's a relative path setting.
Originally Posted by entertain
Hi RS Jelle,
there are only three things that I want to point out:
1. Please use tabs in your tables (templates)
2. HTML Codes should not be implemented in the php-file (downloads.php)
For HTML Codes it would be better to use the product
3. Use "AND" and not "&"
V6 beta already has that better code style. It's also following most other vB coding standards.
But what do you mean with 3? "AND" and "&" aren't synonyms. I guess you mean "&&" (which isn't used in v5 nor in v6)?
Originally Posted by Saudi Zoom
Do i have to re-translate after updating?
Thank you for updates
Normally not, you only need to update the version number in the ecdownloads_copyright phrase if you translated that also.