Originally Posted by stwilson
My opinion is that at this point in time this mod is considered abandoned...Why not scrap the rest of what you borrowed from the other mods, rewrite it in full, add a few new features and release it as your own mod? No hard feelings to anyone but there is a need for this mod and you were passionate enough to try and help. My vote would be for you to finish it up and release it as your own MOD.
First of all, this mod is working properly with 3.6.x, 3.7.x, and 3.8.x. The integration modification that I did some time ago between Evercraft's Event Forums and this one is what is not working. This is 100% because Evercraft has not kept his modification up to date and working with the new versions of vBulletin. I do not have the time, nor do I have the desire to take on the Event Forums modification that Evercraft created. Therein lies the crux of the problem of the Event Forums integration.
Second, if someone wants to write a new version of the RSVP modification from scratch
without using any of the code I have written, then they are certainly welcome to do that.