On one forum that I moderate, Forum A, I've found that spammers will still get through a question and answer type of system. While on another, Forum B, it has cut spammers to literally zero.
On Forum A, the spammers always pick birth dates of January 1, 1980 and the time zone selected is always Beijing, Perth, Hong Kong, Singapore. What I think makes the difference is the questions asked. For instance, the first question on Forum A is simply to copy a phrase into the reply box. The phrase is in quotes, so bots or whoever (even if they can't read english) know that something in quotes should be retyped. So they give it a shot and get in.
On Forum B, the questions are not something that non-English speakers are likely to understand and are rather localized since it's a forum dedicated to one of the states in the US. For instance, what is Vermont's fifth season?