Hi there EagleNick!
Originally Posted by EagleNick
Ahh, yes that is the problem
Is there a way you can add a currency selector? My members are all from various countries around the world.
Unless cafepress.com is offering it on the same page - we can't do much there.. we pull the content/page entirely from cafepress and don't alter it in any way -
The CAD pricing is automatically done by cafepress based on the IP that made the request.. if you can find anything that allows currency selector on their site we can take a look..
[another solution would be for you to set-up a US-based proxy in-between your server and cafepress.. but that's a bit more complicated and prone to errors unless you have full control/know the person/company behind it/etc]
Of course - all the above unless you wants to move your hosting provider with a US ip : )