Not saving any scores at all, no solutions in 4 pages, wtf?
--------------- Added [DATE]1229725096[/DATE] at [TIME]1229725096[/TIME] ---------------
FYI I get error #8
vb 3.7.4
arcade 2.6.7
I have the following products installed
AME 2.5
CYB paypal donate 4.8
and the arcade.
There are many domains and things running on my server like wordpress that who knows, may step on this product.
--------------- Added [DATE]1229727112[/DATE] at [TIME]1229727112[/TIME] ---------------
I found a fix!
I deleted this whole mess form arcade.php
I have NOOOO idea what I'm doing, so be careful

// look who sends the POST-data...
$referer = "";
if ($_SERVER['REFERER']!="") { $referer = strtolower($_SERVER['REFERER']); }
if ($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']!="") { $referer =
strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); }
if ($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['REFERER']!="") { $referer =
strtolower($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['REFERER']); }
// avoid external scripts calling this function
if ((strpos($referer,"arcade.php") > 0) && (strpos($referer,$vboptions[bburl]) >
// maybe there is some cheater trying to inject a score ?! *boooooh*
$ERRORLEVEL = ($DEBUGMODE == 0) ? "" : "Error #008";
$VERBOSE = ($DEBUGMODE == 2) ? " -> REF = ".$referer : "";
$std->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'cheater', EXTRA => $ERRORLEVEL) );