Originally Posted by southernlady View Post
You load it into images> the entire folder labeled Cherish.
The default style is the entire images folder itself. You are putting a new folder inside that style. See the attached thumbnail for a better example.
That's where it is.
I designed this one no differently than I have any other but I did discover this morning when taking screen shots that my styles were acting all goofy. This one IS coded for 3.8 RC2 and they just released that late last night. There may be a bug in it that we just found.
When I was doing screen shots, every link I clicked took me back to the default style in FF and to another style in IE even tho I told it to use Cherish.
But I promise I did not touch any template except the header and that one was thru the All Styles Option to add the logo. All coding is css ONLY. It should not be behaving strangely.