Originally Posted by goyo
That's my first and last reply to this modification.
Lynne: that's often called "lie" in my dictionary.
In other words: You should give the children opportunity to learn from her/his mistakes instead of lying to them: how wonderful is everything...good girl/boy...and later they realize the world often not as nice or my parents lied to me.
Naming this template modification as "Amazing Postbit!!" is a bit of stretch (free or not). And I have no intention to "put another member down" that's just mine PERSONAL OPINION others may think otherwise...
What are you talking about? No offense everyone but you come off as people who would whine and complain about every little problem in life. This person just put "amazing" in the title and that was the only mistake they made according to you. The replies are amazingly ridiculous.
Why should they fix it after so many rude comments. Absurd!