Originally Posted by eh9 daddy
is it possible to add subcategorys in one of the next version?
After just a couple of days getting this working on my board, I can tell you this would be great for sure. People love it but with a lot of videos in there it's getting a quite mess without subs.
Originally Posted by Jaxel
I can confirm that too. It's not running on IE7
Originally Posted by Surviver
Okay, here are fixed vBSEO Reqrite URLs:
The new code really fixed. All links are now been replaced by vBSEO correctly but the Integration message on ACP are still there.
By the way, each template I have to change to correct the link on Navbar on CMPS ? Any idea ?
I tried to include video.php on navbar replacements on CMPS global options but it didn't work out.
Great job by the way. :up: