My suggestion for vbulletin with this new release is to create a simple program since there already adding a cms why not make it easier for designers to design a skin. I was thinking about creating a mod that has pre-instlled xml style files with there images with an enhanced style control panel to make adding or making your own styles easier. Php has its own build in image abilities why not create a program that can be used soley for the purpose of creating skins? If the cms is as bad as advanced or vbportal is then that will be a let down i expect much more from the forum software leaders then crappy coding. No offence to there coders at all but why code something that looks almot just like your forum? My advice to vbulletin is to create a seperate style system for the cms no on wonts a borad the looks just like there main site and if they add a feature to add a new banner per page then that my friends would be awesome. Just some food for thought and i hope they keep the coders/designers bette informed f the code chages so we can get our mods ported to 4.0 faster and smoother then we can now.