Originally Posted by jlew24asu
ah ok. thanks for the explanation.
can I ask you a question? how do users login through this facebook app, use their same user name, and keep all the same stats?
Essentially from what I gather.
User logs out of your forum.
Logs into Facebook, then can fire up the forum, and on logging in will be asked if they want to sync with facebook.. kinda weird explanation, but AFAIK thats how it integrates.
They have the option, as an existing user, to fire up the forum under their existing username and pass.
Now that they have facebook & your forum in sync, when a post or message is sent via the forum it displays in their facebook profile, etc.
The bonus is that users on facebook, who are friends of your member as a facebook user, then have the opportunity to join your forum, and vice versa.
As I have never used facebook, im not sure how the protocol works with permissions and privacy, but am sure that its all good.
I do have some basic function, queries, such as "ignoring a user on facebook" does this transfer to your forum too?
Anyhoo.. will await a fix for the new-user login stuff from the coder.
Reply to the guy: clear IE files? pmsl... im not sure what use that has for preventing database crash due to inadequate login bridge