Originally Posted by bananalive
Thanks, for the effort you have taken, I'll include the html improvements in the ext version.
I've fixed the longest win streak error and it will be released with the next version
No worries, totally worth it for such an excellent mod

It appears I was a bit too hasty, as I've just noticed I missed a few more things

Line 511;
<if condition="$comment_delete"><li class="smallfont"><a href="javascript:deletecomment('$comment[id]', '$tid', '$comment_userid');">$vbphrase[delete]</a></li><else /><li></li></if>
Line 723;
Lines 902-903;
<input class="button smallfont" value="$vbphrase[go]" type="submit" /></div></form></div>
Then missing closing tags for
<img> at 828, 956, 974, 992, 1999, 2002, 2003 & 2422.
I've attached the product with the changes (including the
change made by
Lord Ninja), but thought I'd type out in case you've significantly edited the product since I posted the last one.