Originally Posted by tlwwolfseye
Well, considering how COD looks on WII with this funny little 700 Mhz CPU, tbh I think WII failes in almost every corner to make something really nice looking and stays where Nintendo usually was before, in the childrens corner.
True. However, I am NOT by any means a "gamer". I like the wii, because I can mess around and have some fun, where it is damn near impossible for me to do so on the XBOX. I have played with my son HALO3, I was the DT, designated target. I would run around and when the opponent would pop up to kill me my son would snipe them. That gets old.
Originally Posted by tlwwolfseye
No offense. In my oppinion from a hardware & visual kinda view you can?t compare to WII to anything like PS3 or Xbox.
None taken and I agree with you. One can not and should not buy a wii if they expect it to be like either the 360 or PS3