I'm off work this week, so thought I'd at XHTML validity. It took me a bit longer than expected but the good news is that I believe the attached files now makes this product 100% XHTML Transitional Valid

. The main offenders were the use of
& rather than
&, unclosed
<input> tags and unnecessary
</a> tags. There was also the occasional unclosed
<img> tag or
alt attribute missing. The changes I made to the files are purely XHTML related, nothing else, and are for the
2.7.1 product and the
post-2.7.1 amended competitions.php file.
In regards to the changes made in 2.7.1, the error of the avatar overlaying text that
King Fly reported is reproducible in Internet Explorer (displays fine in both FF and Chrome). That said, it displays correctly with the XHTML changes I made.
However, there appears to be some sort of error with the longest win streak working in the advanced user info display;