Originally Posted by aciurczak
Are there step-by-step instructions somewhere about how to restore a vB database using a backup made with this mod? I'm assuming it's something like: load the txt file back up to the server to an area where phpmysql can see it, and point phpmysql to the file to rebuild the DB. But if someone could put together a list of:
- here's what you do (including actual sql commands) to restore the db if it all of the tables in one large combined file
- here's what you do to restore the db if the backup is in individual files by table
it might help folks out and make the overall use of this mod a bit more clear.
I've been using this mod for awhile, but had the first chance to restore the DB, and wanted to post up that it really was a pretty easy process. I have this mod configured to put the whole backup into a single text file. On my host, all that is necessary to restore the database is to put the backup file into the correct directory (_db_backups). You can get it there by FTP'ing it into there if you have it on your own computer, or you can move it over there from the host itself. The file can be named anything, but it has to end with ".sql". Then you just go into Hosting Manager, click on Databases, and hit the pencil icon on the right to edit/restore the database. It will pop up a menu that lists the .sql files in that directory, and one more click and it starts the restore. Thanks again Paul, for this incredibly useful mod.