Originally Posted by nerofix
I have questions:
1) When login with a facebook account, it will create a vbulletin account right?
2) Once this vb account is created, is the email adress and password also saved in the vb database, so they could login next time without their facebook details and only with their vb account? I ask this because I'm interested what happens if they delete their facebook account, but want to stay in our vbulletin.
3) Which data exactly will be taken from facebook? In example, we have custom profile fields for "real name" .. would it be possible to import this real name data from facebook too?
Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm going to try and answer these questions...
1. Yes.
2. No email address is saved or password, only a username. You'd have to manually update the profile if a user wanted to login directly to the forum.
3. No data seems to be taken yet. Hopefully in a future update the coder will figure out how to do this.