First off, thanks Phalynx for a fantastic addon

2nd, I will admit that I have not read every post in this thread so sorry if I repeat something that has already been asked.
A couple of questions/requests ...
1. Does a purchase permanently deduct points or are the total points simply calculated minus any purchase transactions? eg I have 100 points and purchase an item for 20 points. Do I still have 100 points but it only shows as 80 or do I only have 80 points left?
2. If the points are actually removed, can we please get some form of 'point convertor' so that a member can change 1 point type for a second point type, therefor allowing them to purchase items they may not have enough specific points for.
3. An alternative to number 2 would be another option in Costfield that would spread the cost over all point types.
4. There are points awarded for referrals but could we please also have an option where points are awarded when your referred member makes a 'paid subscription' payment. ie a commission payment. This would need to be based on the payment being made and possibly being recurring (PayPal subscription)
Thanks again for a fantastic addon. Keep up the great work