Originally Posted by hornstar1337
Major bug/or/glitch/or/exploit
- Member has been thanked 1 times in 1 post
However is showing up as Total Thanks: 4,294,967,294
Link: http://www.gamerzneeds.net/forums/members/rictor.html
I removed the 1 thanks they received. I repaired and optimized the database, but they still have Total Thanks: 4,294,967,294
What do I do to fix this?
I also have quite a big problem...
Although the hack has been working fine until now, we had a few users join who were giving each other a large amount of thanks to bump their numbers up (I now have imited max thanks per day..)
But I reset the 'thanks given' by one of the users, and then reset all of the counters
but the thanks number of 201 still remains for this user and the one user he had been thanking??
has anyone else had this>?
Running 3.7.3 patch level 1
How can I fix it asap please?