pm table wrong from forum rebuild
My 'pm' table no longer accurately reflects what my 'pmtext' table has in it. I don't know if its from the restore I performed on my forum, but i'm betting it is. Some of my users can't see their PMs, but in phpmyadmin, I can see them in the pmtext table.
I think its possibly just a SQL statement command, but I'm not that good at sql yet (I'm more of a visual basic programmer). But the following is what I need to do.
Empty Table 'pm'
For Each Item in table 'user'
Take 'pmtextid' from table 'pmtext' where = to 'userid' from table 'user' then insert this into table 'pm' and allow 'pmid' to auto increment for each instance of 'userid'
Repeat for next user
I performed this manually for one single PM and it worked, so I just need sql to "batch" it for me.
I could easily to this in visual basic! I just need to get the 'pm' table rebuilt based on what is in the pmtext table. I think this should be a part of vbulletin itself, but when I placed a ticket, they just told me that "its not a feature, we can't help you" pretty much.
Thanks for any assistance.