Originally Posted by macc
i changed url to my site but do not know what thread you mean and which changes must be make for get divx to work?
The thread you downloaded the DIVX definition from. You didn't get it from this thread, you got it from my Add-On thread (which is linked in the first post). Post what changes you made in that thread so I can take a look at them.
Originally Posted by geni57
Ok, I've read everything here I can think of, nothing has helped me.
I have a VB 3.7.2
I downloaded the 2.0.2 zip file.
My forum does not have a "forums" folder it's just all in the root directory.
First I'll state my problem then what I've done.
I have no AME CP
I uploaded the following
In my root directory is VB I open VB and get the following folders:
First I went to admin cp
In that folder I uploaded the following: automediaembed_admin
Next I went to the Images folder and uploaded amazon_icon
Next I went to Includes folder and uploaded the following:
ame_bbcode and the cpnav_automediaembed xml document and the hook_automediaembed xml document
Next I went to my admin panel and imported the product-ame xml document
ALL of the above files are there as I've checked.
I found the AME Settings but there is NO AME CP anywhere..
In the AME Settings I see the following...
The maximum amount of characters to display in the title (note you can use the AME CP for this option)
I can click on AME CP and something comes up.. but it's just the SETTINGS.
There is no AME CP anywhere.. .
What did I do wrong??
Help please.
You probably added a few files to the wrong place since you added them individually like that. That's not at all necessary, as the files are already configured in the order they need to be in. Just drag and drop the contents in one swoop and it will add everything in every folder it needs to be in.
As for the
forums folder, that's just in the event your forum root is located in a folder of that name. In that case, you could just grab that folder and overwrite it onto your existing
forums folder. But as I said above, since you don't have that, you'd just grab the
contents of that folder in one swoop and let it overwrite into your forum root directory.
Originally Posted by a squared
I sort of realized the double definitions on the way home from work. I disabled one and tada it worked! I am running v2.0.2 though. I didn't know that 2.5 was a stable release. Is it?
It looked like you were running 2.5 because one was smaller then the other. I guess maybe me and The Geek had our YouTube dimensions set differently,
Most comments I've heard is that it's running fine in a production environment, with only a couple of bugs in a couple of individual cases.