Originally Posted by TNCclubman
If I copy that link to place on an html page, everyone clicking on it is going to my profile... not theirs... so that doesnt work...
Any other ideas on what the general link is that will go to a persons profile link? Looking for the 'neutral' profile link...
:erm: YOU ARE USER 29.. You cant copy the link.!
If you copy that link it will take them to your profile, but if they copy the link when they are logged into their account it will have a different number.
Isn't it already there..?
Mine says "Profile", do you just want to change the word "Profile" to "MyHome", or do you want to add an extra link that says "MyHome" somewhere else on the site..? (where else would you put it, it says Profile in the menu that should be on every page..?)
Eitherway i understand what you mean, & it is something like [$userid] or something like that. I'm sure someone else can help you. (if i find it, i'll post it)