Xbox 360 or a wii?
We may get one of these systems for Christmas. I want the wii because well, even thought its specs are weaker then the xbox I feel the wii is more family oriented.
My almost 12 yr old wants an Xbox 360 though. I asked him WHY and he said because he wants halo 3. LOL That is the ONLY good reason he gave me. haha
Give me other good reasons one way or the other.
Yes, I'm asking a buncha gaming freaks (no doubt) to compare the two. Please keep my 7 yr old girl and my 3 yr old boy in mind LOL.
I want the wii cuz it has gadgets... lots and lots of gadgets, and, well, I'm a gadget person. LOL
Also, if I do decide to buy a wii over Xbox are there any wii games that compare to Halo? Alien vs human army?