Originally Posted by goxy63
Just one simple question, if I use this style...will I have serious issues with installing some other mods, such as a flashchat, some statistics, chief first post, ect...
This looks great, but I would like all other options from Vbulletin
Anyone using this style...?
I am using it with MANY other mods.
Have a look..
Originally Posted by TNCclubman
Is there a general user profile link that anyone can click that sends them to their profile...
example I want to put a link on another part of my site that says myHome near the top so anyone can click it and get sent to their profile page. But my page has ?user=29 and obviously everyone else has a different number. What link can I put there so it goes to whatever profile that browser is logged in as...
On the top of the skin there is a link that says "Profile", & that takes you to your own profile. whoever clicks it goes to the profile they are logged in.. im sure yours works the same, you just are going to your own profile which is "user=29"
Basically if i understand you correctly, YES it does exactly what you want.
Originally Posted by mikey1991
how do I get rid of the google Ads at the side?
Delete them in the code. (Style Manager > Edit Templates > Ad Location Templates > ad_header_end) in there at the bottom it says:
<!-- #################### ADSENSE OR ADS #################### -->
this is where the code is for the ads.. just delete it
<!-- #################### / ADSENSE #################### -->
Read thru more of this thread it explains it, i believe i asked the same question before.
You can replace the code with other html code to advertise anything you want. (as i have)