Originally Posted by Ziki
I guess it's time I enter into this conversation.My ethical responsibility to warn the users would be if I was sure this modification would negatively affect their website.I am sure that this does not conflict with Google TOS,as spiders can see the same content as the board's users can.
You have the right to choose your own ethical standards. I believe you are wrong about the board's users being able to see the content Google spiders index. If Google indexes a private forum and it appears as a search result for a given term, when the searcher clicks the link, they will receive a "No Permissions" message. You have given Google a view of content that no one else can see unless they meet certain requirements. That could be defined as cloaking, but it is almost certainly subterfuge.
As another point that's off this topic,is that you shouldn't judge someone according to their age.For first it's discrimination and as a second point,you would be surprised how many adults behave childish.
I am prejudiced against children. I don't like them. So sue me.