Originally Posted by stalkertj
I love this mod... just what I needed... couple of questions.
I have a couple different "styles (color schemes)" on my forum, the showroster mod is using the default one, but I of course don't want it to use that one. How do I make it use a different style?
Second, I'd like to make a clickable X-fire image link in one of the columns, that when you click it, it will interact with X-fire and automatically add the user. (Using the xfire:add_user... )
Any help, or any direction you can give I'd appreciate it. Thanks!
The roster should display in whatever style you are viewing the forum in.
In regards to the x-fire thing, assuming you already have a profile field for users to enter their x-fire and a column to place it on the roster, the code you want is;
<a href="xfire:add_friend?user=$user[fieldX]"><img src="http://miniprofile.xfire.com/bg/sh/type/3/$user[fieldX].png" border="0" alt="$user[fieldX]" /></a>
Replace "X" with the profiled field you are using, which will make it look like
this. You can change the x-fire image, if you wish, by using the relevant code found on
xfire's miniprofile page.