I had it installed on one of my sites to test it was working nice had over 1000 guests in 24 hour period on average.
Now I had it installed on another site same server and its guests where only at 250 average.
Both have latest update XML for spiders etc.
1000 guests seemed to work perfect from what I could tell except the site with only 250 guests has on average of 20 spiders on at all times and over 15 guests at all times and over 50 users constant all day everyday. So something is going on really the two sites should be flipped according to site stats etc.
Now here is tricky part. The site with 1000 guests I 301 header safe redirected to another site and traffic went from 1000 average to 250 average same as the other site like it is hitting a peak wall now.
So have few questions #1 is how does this mod handle safe redirects of spiders and bots and so on will it register it when site still shows X instead of Y.
Meaning this
www.yourdomain.com is original site then safe it to
www.yourdomain2.com so if someone goes to yourdomain it will stay URL wise to it but be yourdomain2 if that makes any sense.
Second question is have you installed this more then once on a server NOT the same install of vB have to make that clear multiple domains.
Sorry I am not familiar with all this stats and spiders and so on come from an age before there was such things
