Originally Posted by designerweb
Can you sell credits using this mod?
i have a pro addon to sell credits through paypal, but you have to pm me or visit my site to learn more.
Originally Posted by inspiration100
Can someone tell me if this mod can allow you to do crazy stuff like buying a "ban" on a user or little gifts to give? I have a forum that really needs the crazy stuff, not a serious point system, but also crazy. Would this work?
i have a small custom hack for buying a ban on users, but talk to me over PM about it.
also i have a full featured itemshop called vBCommerce you should check out on my site as well

info there about getting it.
Originally Posted by rob01
can this work with vb experience at the same time?
and how much server loading/ queries this will take, you know?
im fairly certain it should work alongside vbexperience
generally this adds only 1 query in places where you have configured to gain credits (such as during posting). displaying credits does not add any queries. my optimized internal plugin system keeps the server load down and i know of several big boards using vbcredits without any slowdowns.