Originally Posted by Automaton
Every time I make a change. Anything at all, they act like it is the end of the fricking world.
Anything I do, is met with resistnace, and complaints from many of the more senior members.
They post polls about the changes I have made and feel like they should get a vote on how the place is run. Funny thing is, the ones that complain the loudest are the ones that never contributed a dime, or made a donation, yet they feel like I owe it to them to cater to thier demands..
Gets so old..
Part of the probel is that I bought the site from someone else that did nothing with it. I have trippled traffic and added tons of new features that many people asked for.
Upgraded the server, provided new skins, new home page and made everything tons better.
Yet constantly I get these babies that cry about every little thing..
Do you guys have to deal with this crap? I can't be the only one?!!?
I break out my chrome plated ban-hammer, put on some power metal songs about vikings and proceed to chisel the fail out of my userbase.