Originally Posted by UncoderMom
I send them to the corner with there time out hat on. LOL
Actually I give warnings before I change anything and apologize to them for any inconvenience and try and explain to them the best I can why I have to make the changes. Most will understand. I try never to change major things like link locations etc. Thats when the major hissy fits start. LOL
I cants ay though, in this last year that I've really had any crybabies.
Sounds like you could be talking about me and my site. I think the users are now used to how we run the site - we are very laid back! We PM with users when there is a problem and I'd say that 99% the problem can be resolved that way. The users do have the occassional whine thread, but we just let them whine and we calmly explain the situation and our reasons for the change (or whatever) and then they usually calm down about it.