Originally Posted by chesterano
Hi very good mod
And you can add options for exclusion of several forums for example: 2, 4, to with them do not show attachments?
Display Information On a Per Forum Basis
This conditional allows you to display information on a per forum basis. This can be helpful if you wish to display different advertisements depending on what forum that the user is in. You would simply replace X with the forum id that you wish the information to appear in.
HTML Code:
<if condition="$forum[forumid] == X"></if>
and on the other hand you can use the ! to do the opposite and display the information in every forum but the id you list
HTML Code:
<if condition="$forum[forumid] != X"></if>
or if you have multiple forums you wish to include something with you can use an array such as this
HTML Code:
<if condition="in_array($forum['forumid'], array(1,2,3,6))"></if>