Originally Posted by winstone
my question was having a sample plugin code (sample hoster) which does not uses any API, you simply get the URL, extract the variable from it and finally wrap the variable with html stuff, that shouldn't be complex
btw I saw a guy who wanted a WeGame hoster, I made one for it however it requires PHP5 with SimpleXML libraries (couldn't get the built-in vbulletin XML class to work, perhaps you can fix it Surviver and maybe include in future releases)
When I tried to use it, I got an error and the thumbnail creation failed. *frustrated* So close.... The video shows tho and will play but I uninstalled it.
Ooooooh someone fix it for me! My forum members are gathering the pitchforks and torches.......
PHP Code:
Warning: fopen([path]/videothumbnails/WeGame/SRO_s_Original_Trailer.jpg) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]/includes/videoserviceapi/class_wegame.php on line 95
Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in [path]/includes/videoserviceapi/class_wegame.php on line 96
Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in [path]/includes/videoserviceapi/class_wegame.php on line 97
/** * vBulletin 3.7.4 CSS * Style: 'Fly's 1337 skin'; Style ID: 3 */ @import url("clientscript/vbulletin_css/style-ffaa9bb7-00003.css");