Originally Posted by eglyntine
I have a parenting site and most of my members do not like the fact that anyone can just "lurk" on the site and read about their issues and they don't know who they are. And while *I* know it's the internet and if you are going to post personal stuff on an internet site you might as well take an ad out in the AP but these ppl think that if they have restrictions and private forums then they are safe.
I run into the dilemma do I shut the whole board down to unregistered ppl or do I tell my members to suck up and deal with it? This add-on gives me the opportunity to compromise. I can set it up where certain General forums can be viewed by guests and the other forums with more personal details are kept away from non-registered ppl.
I also have it set up to where after the viewing of one thread it tells the person they need to register to view more and once they have registered we have a welcoming committee that leaves Welcome messages on their visitor page to help break the ice and then we encourage the new members to post an intro in our Introductions forum.
So far since I've put in this add-on and created the Welcoming Committee, 9 out of every 10 ppl that register have become active members. Before the addon there was no reason to register because they could read without having to interact and when I shut it down to unregistered user, they wouldn't come by cause there was nothing to encourage them to want to be a part of the site. It's a good balance you need to find to get ppl to participate and I'm still working on it daily but it is slowly working for me.
Great Add-on Ted, and when used like it's designed to be used it really is very helpful. Thanks again for your work.
Awesome feedback! Thanks so much for sharing that with the addon community and I hope you come back to provide feedback on how this addon can be improved for you in the future.