Originally Posted by Notorious Jay
I don't know if anyone else noticed this and I just did not see the post in this thread because I sure as hell aint reading 89 pages worth of posts, but since I installed this hack backing up SQL has failed which I hadn't even known until I tried to do it the other night as one of the other site admins was supposed to be doing it weekly and the server owner asked me about it.
I did not take the time to look at the code, but I'm pretty sure based on the SQL fail email that this is your problem, just did not look to see where it's located.
Invalid SQL:
SHOW CREATE TABLE post_thanks;
-If I am the first person to notice this shame on you people for not backing up your sites.-
Well ok I searched the thread and someone else has already asked this question in July, but I didnt see an answer... ?
I back up my database every early morning. I think I have enough thanks issued that if it were a problem it may have come up (3.7M+) What method are you using to back up?