Originally Posted by Angel-Wings
Well - won't you agree that people who don't backup their DB even won't use a backup function, if provided ?
And if they backup their DB, such a backup function isn't needed at all.
Or ?
What I do, and what others do is an assumption. Does everyone use smilies in this chat? No, Does everyone use the PM function? No. But having it as an option is not a drawback in any form. Why? I see things differently.

1 being say a full backup of a database is 100+ megs. You tell me you've never had a large dB timeout exporting, importing etc. Would you rather export / import a 1 meg file, or 100 meg file? Whether the people do their admin functions is not my concern. Having a useful function is. This to me is. Let me know when you use shared hosting, and you have to have THEM do the import because you can't due to limitations etc. There is a reason for this.
Originally Posted by jerx
I don' t see any need for a backup feature, too. It is just a chat, where you talk about unimportant subjects. Loosing that would not do any harm.
And as already been said, everyone who care about data would backup everything, everyone who does not care, won' t need that feature.
Data loss to you is not any harm? That's what your reply implies. I know it's a chat, but I've also heard this god knows how many times... "I had something in the chat I needed." We all have done it. Just like you wipe your home computer, without fully ghosting it or backing up, thinking you pulled everything when OH CRAP..... That 1 file you didn't grab is gone. That's my only critical factor.
Ask yourself this, which is worse? Never being able to reproduce data, or being able to. If you lost 1 crucial document or the like, you will understand my reason. Other then that. Fdisk.